Saturday, March 14, 2009

Strange things that amuse

Connor is fascinated with everything around him. Apparently, the shiny garbage can at Grandma and Grandpa's can be hard to resist.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Connor is walking!!!

I'm not sure why I'm excited about Connor walking since that means that I have to keep an even more watchful eye on him and his antics. Below are a few videos taken at his grandparents house this past weekend and you can see that he is now walkng without holding on.

Connor was having fun playing with some bowls after taking his bath.

Connor playing with one of his toys at Grandma & Grandpa's house.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Connor @ 11 Months

Connor officially turns 11 months old tomorrow. Time seems to be speeding up on a daily basis. He is now walking and working on his first word(s). Seems that Maya will be the first official word past Mama and Dada. Maya is one of our dogs and Connor sounds like he is yelling at her, just like we normally are. Maya has a good soul but is a little on the destructive side so she seems to always be in trouble. Her nickname is Little Miss Destructo.

We were at my parents house this past weekend and took both some pictures and some video. Connor is now manhandling the tractor.

Connor & his cousin Justin

Apparently both Connor and Justin partied too much the night before.
Connor looking like his sweet, innocent self.