Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dinner Party Pictures

Connor with his grandparents and Paul and I during the cocktail reception.

Connor being held by his dad with the portrait of his grandfather in the background.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Connor's Big Night Out

Connor has already attended his first official dinner party at 13 days old. Last Thursday, Paul's mom calls asking if either Paul or I were available to attend a dinner party honoring Ben (Paul's dad) the following evening. After some discussion, we decided that all three of us would attend provided there were seats available for us all. There were, so we were set.

Arrive at the event at 6:30, a little earlier than we had promised and get ushered into the reception line to shake hands with the Dean and his wife (Paul's parents). We all had nametags, including Connor. Ben notices that we are in line and we get pulled up to the front to take pictures. Connor was in the center, being held by his grandfather. Once I get the picture from the College of Engineering, I will post it up here.

Paul and I head into the cocktail reception and go straight for the bar. This was one of my first chances to enjoy a glass of wine in quite a long time and I was taking it. We get our wine and are talking to a couple of people around us who are fascinated with Connor. Next thing I know, Ben is approaching us and saying that he needed to "borrow" Connor for a few minutes. I take a peek back at the reception line and Ben is introducing everyone that is coming through the line to his new grandson. Connor was getting all the attention instead of the soon-to-be retired Ben.

Connor was an absolute angel through the dinner and ensuing program. I did have to take him out of the room for a few minutes during the dinner to feed him but once I got him settled back down, we were back in the room for the remainder of the party. He made it in the video that reviewed Ben's years as Dean and even got a few mentions during speeches. Afterwards, he was handed around to a number of the attendees, which included Ben's staff from the University.

Needless to say, he was the hit of the party.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Some photos

First picture of us as a family.

Connor in the nursery after his first bath.

Updating the blog this evening.

Welcome to the world...

Connor William Streetman greeted the world this past Saturday, April 5th at 2:58pm. He weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs 5 ozs and measured 21 inches long.

My water broke at 2:45 am Friday night after having been at the doctor's office for a visit earlier that day. Call the on-call OB number and was told at 3:30 am to go on to the hospital. Paul and I decided we were in for a long haul, got everything we could quickly taken care of, and arrived at the hospital at about 5:00 am. At about 9 in the morning, I could not take the pain anymore and decided on having an epidural. After being in labor from essentially 2:45 am and now being at 2:20 pm, the decision was made that progress was not being made. I was still at 3-4 cm dilated at that point and he had not really moved down any. Since the epidural was already on board, we were in the operating room very quickly (I think the time they stated as 2:33 as the time we entered the OR for prepping), and he was out within 5 minutes from the start of the first incision.

The first comment from the OB that delivered Connor was "This is a solid boy." We didn't really realize how solid until they call back to the OR from the nursery with his stats. Paul had called it right on target. When we had been at the doctor's office on Friday, the estimate on the ultrasound was 9 lbs 1 ounce.

Fast forward to today, Tuesday, and we are adjusting to our new world. We will be checking out of the hospital tomorrow and headed home. I decided to stay at the hospital one more day so we were well rested and of course had a free support staff around us to help us as best possible. The medical staff here at Seton has been phenomenal. They have done everthing they could to keep us comfortable and help us get adjusted to the new world around us.

We are still deciding who he looks like but he was born with a decent amount of hair (blonde, light brown, kinda red) and his eyes are currently a slate blue color. I am assuming that will change as he gets older but who knows.

I will post some photos in a little bit.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Still Going

Well, it is Thursday evening (4/3) and the feisty one is still hanging out and refusing to budge. At the risk of offending all the guys, typical male... Sorry, couldn't resist!

I have been spending time periodically on the treadmill walking about 30 minutes at a time encouraging him to take a hint. I think he is enjoying it too much "on the inside".

Tomorrow is another doctor's appointment along with an ultrasound to see how he is doing otherwise. I don't expect any major revelations from this appointment. We will go over what we need to do for checking into the hospital for baby's eviction date coming up on Monday.

I'm still hoping that we don't get to Monday's induction and that he decides it is time to greet the world.

Also, the nursery is coming along. Although it won't be ready in time for baby to arrive, it will be great when it is finished. We have put in plumbing to have a sink, making it easier to wash hands and bathe baby and have plans for putting in a TV for when I'm up at all hours with the him. I will post up pictures once it is done.