Tuesday, May 13, 2008

One Month Update

So, the little one is now a month old. Time flies when you have no ability whatsoever to keep track. Yes, I am getting some sleep but some nights are definitely better than others. He is now making lots of new noises, some more interesting than others, and he is more observant of the world around him.
Connor's one month appt went quite well. The pediatrician was pleased with his growth and development. Considering he weighed in at 11 lbs 14 ozs, I would say that he is definitely getting enough to eat. Worst part of the appointment was his getting a vaccination. It took a second to register with him that something was going on and by that time the needle was already out of his leg.
However, I can say that I learned my lesson about not having Infant Tylenol on hand as we definitely did not have a good rest of the day and evening after that appointment.

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