Monday, April 21, 2008

Connor's Big Night Out

Connor has already attended his first official dinner party at 13 days old. Last Thursday, Paul's mom calls asking if either Paul or I were available to attend a dinner party honoring Ben (Paul's dad) the following evening. After some discussion, we decided that all three of us would attend provided there were seats available for us all. There were, so we were set.

Arrive at the event at 6:30, a little earlier than we had promised and get ushered into the reception line to shake hands with the Dean and his wife (Paul's parents). We all had nametags, including Connor. Ben notices that we are in line and we get pulled up to the front to take pictures. Connor was in the center, being held by his grandfather. Once I get the picture from the College of Engineering, I will post it up here.

Paul and I head into the cocktail reception and go straight for the bar. This was one of my first chances to enjoy a glass of wine in quite a long time and I was taking it. We get our wine and are talking to a couple of people around us who are fascinated with Connor. Next thing I know, Ben is approaching us and saying that he needed to "borrow" Connor for a few minutes. I take a peek back at the reception line and Ben is introducing everyone that is coming through the line to his new grandson. Connor was getting all the attention instead of the soon-to-be retired Ben.

Connor was an absolute angel through the dinner and ensuing program. I did have to take him out of the room for a few minutes during the dinner to feed him but once I got him settled back down, we were back in the room for the remainder of the party. He made it in the video that reviewed Ben's years as Dean and even got a few mentions during speeches. Afterwards, he was handed around to a number of the attendees, which included Ben's staff from the University.

Needless to say, he was the hit of the party.

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