Thursday, April 3, 2008

Still Going

Well, it is Thursday evening (4/3) and the feisty one is still hanging out and refusing to budge. At the risk of offending all the guys, typical male... Sorry, couldn't resist!

I have been spending time periodically on the treadmill walking about 30 minutes at a time encouraging him to take a hint. I think he is enjoying it too much "on the inside".

Tomorrow is another doctor's appointment along with an ultrasound to see how he is doing otherwise. I don't expect any major revelations from this appointment. We will go over what we need to do for checking into the hospital for baby's eviction date coming up on Monday.

I'm still hoping that we don't get to Monday's induction and that he decides it is time to greet the world.

Also, the nursery is coming along. Although it won't be ready in time for baby to arrive, it will be great when it is finished. We have put in plumbing to have a sink, making it easier to wash hands and bathe baby and have plans for putting in a TV for when I'm up at all hours with the him. I will post up pictures once it is done.

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